Hotel Reservations

Do you go to a travel agent to book your vacation trip these days? Or would you rather do-it-yourself via the web ? These days, it has become so much easier and convenient to plan your trip itinerary and book your vacation online, via the web. With a few established online travel booking websites, prices of flights, hotels, car rentals and vacation package deals have become very competitive and these make consumers like us the happy ones, at the end of the day.

I found Hotel Reservations to be worthy of mention, as one of the best-for-value travel reservations websites. Just an example to quote: I have planned a Calgary trip recently and done separate reservations on flight and hotel via the respective airline and hotel websites. First, I did not get any special internet rates and discounts on flight and hotel. Second, and what's uncool for making separate reservations - the flight tickets that I have purchased were non-refundable!! That makes the trip itinerary so rigid. I would have preferred something more flexible such as a cancellation/ refund policy of 24- to 72-hrs prior to the specified arrival.

In contrast, if I had known about Hotel Reservations earlier, I would have got myself value-for-money flight tickets and hotel stay and saved myself some money with the special internet rates/deals going on! Plus, using Hotel Reservations would have made it easier and more flexible for me to check the status or cancel an existing reservation. Other than price, and reliability guarantee, flexibility is also a feature that I look for in travel reservations websites. I just missed the opportunity to book my short vacation via Hotel Reservations this time, but I will be sure to remember to use Hotel Reservations if I ever plan for a next one. You should explore Hotel Reservations too, and check out for any special vacation deals that might be available. Though it's called Hotel Reservations, it does not cater only to hotels. It covers flights, and car rentals too. You could save up to 70% on hotels, motels and resorts, and more...on package deals.

During designated times of the year, you might even get "Gas Rebates" if you are planning to drive around to explore your destination location/region. And more rebates if you are planning on a longer-stay in your destination location. Currently, they have this "Up to $100 Rebate" offer. There are special internet deals going on throughout the year; and this summer, I just happened to pick up these two.

Do remember to check <Hotel Reservations out when you plan your next vacation.