milk with beer, ice with cucumber
New English words evolved, whether they are adjectives, nouns etc. Or is that modern-age maths? It's just too much media (TV, internet, radio etc.) influences when everybody and everything gets too creative with food vocabulary.
fantastic + fabulous = fantabulous
yummy + delicious = yummilicious
clam + delicious = clamilicious
drool + fantastic = droolistic
What other words do you often use to describe how delicious yummy your food is?
HUH? HAR? WHAT? WTheH? So....Beer + Milk = Bilk ???"Ice Ice Baby...." "Ice Cu-Cumber"
Some kind of artificially-flavored drink again? Limited edition summer drink that is supposed to keep you as cool as a cucumber. I would rather eat cucumbers raw :O
Ice + Cucumber = iCucumber ? The next big thing after the iPhone? LOL! :P
Tag: milk, beer, bilk
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