Salmon Patties, easy peasy for a meaningful blog event

LiveSTRONG With A Taste Of Yellow 2009 is here again. This is a meaningful event and I have taken part in the past.

These salmon patties have a taste of yellow from the use of egg. I did not use any flour for these patties. Egg, was simply the binder for salmon.

Healthy Salmon Patties
Ingredients: egg, canned salmon, freshly ground black pepper, dried basil

1. Whisk the egg in a bowl
2. Use a fork and flake the salmon into tiny bits
3. Add the salmon to the egg, add pepper and basil, then mix well.
4. Heat oil in a pan and add the patties, batch by batch, into the heat pan. Pan fry till both sides of the patty are browned. Serve on bed of spinach.

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