Fish Fillets ParchmentBake, Mrs. Paul and Van De Kamp's

Parchment cooking (En Papillote) is one of my favorite cooking methods. It is fuss-free, and able to retain moisture and flavors.

I usually cook fish such as salmon and cod, with vegetables such as asparagus and zucchini in one "parcel" and saying: dinner is ready before I know it, is not an exaggeration.

I was so ready to try Mrs. Paul and Van De Kamp's ParchmentBake when given the chance to, with Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program.

The Lemon Pepper and Garlic Butter Tilapia fillets were all good! Moist, not overly salty and no fishy smell at all.

Get ready some steamed broccoli, baked sweet potatoes and roasted carrots by the side and a complete meal is ready.

What a smart idea for this ParchmentBake product.

*The Van De Kampsfrozen product was received as part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program. Thank you Foodbuzz + Mrs. Paul and Van De Kamp's .