Seaweed Sweet Corn Miso Udon Noodle Soup 紫菜玉米味增乌冬面
The base of this Seaweed and Sweet Corn Udon Noodle Soup uses a clear broth of tomato, onions, red dates, ginger. Tip: to make clear broth, the broth with ingredients were poured over a strainer. Those ingredients (tomato + onions + red dates + ginger) only appeared in the first batch of noodles, leaving the second batch (strained) - leftover broth as a blank slate for new creation.
Seaweed and Sweet Corn Udon Noodle Soup 紫菜玉米乌冬面 using a so-called "old" (second batch - leftover) broth was freshened with a somewhat richer (but still vegetarian) flavor: with some red miso soup base (1/2 tsp miso dissolved in warm water) mixed into the broth.
Then topped with nori seaweed, frozen sweet corn kernels (thawed), finely sliced green onions and Toasted Sesame Seeds. Dash of Shichimi Togarashi (Japanese Spice Powder)
if you wish, to spice it up!
Cooking this reminded me of the Japanese Foods That Heal book that I received many years ago, from one of my friends then also my co-worker. She thought it was a suitable farewell gift for me when I left the company.
It was from this book that I learn the big NO NO in miso soup: DO NOT BOIL miso as boiling alters the fresh miso flavor, and destroys beneficial enzymes and microorganisms.
You can easily use the quickie miso idea to make any vegetarian broth taste richer (more beany flavor!). Light, tasty and easy lunch or dinner on its way! Maybe even breakfast. :)
Sharing this noodle soup with Presto Pasta Nights hosted at Briciole; Souper Sunday, and with Hearth and Soul
Tag: udon soup, vegetarian udon
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