Asparagus and Duck Stir-Fry 炒芦笋鸭胸肉

While we spring forward in the coming week, it is also this time when asparagus marches into the stores, hoping to get a chance to meet its duck companion.

How nice for them to come together this way!

Asparagus and Duck Stir-Fry 炒芦笋鸭胸肉
1 green onion, cut into finger-length
2-3 thin slices of ginger
3-4 cloves garlic, minced
1 duck breast (about 0.3lbs) , remove skin (save it to render duck fat), slice the breast to tenders, marinated with 1tsp soy sauce, pinch of ground white pepper,
A few cups of vegetables (a mixture of asparagus, broccoli, bell pepper)

Directions: Heat up about 1tsp duck fat in the pan. Add ginger, green onoins, then garlic and fry till fragrant. Add the duck tenders and fry till about 50% cooked, then add the vegetables and stir-fry till duck and vegetables are cooked.

Duck fat is low in saturated fat (20% less than butter) and high in unsaturated fat, making it one of healthiest animal fats. With duck flavor within, a little duck fat makes a stir-fry come together in the tastiest way.