Himalayan Fresh Mulberry Waffle

These delectable and nutrient-rich deep purple superfruit mulberries have some of the highest iron and calcium content compared to blueberries, raspberries blackberries; and a great source of Vitamin C. We had the opportunity to pick them fresh from the trees in a farm recently.

The owners and team of the farm spent four years in various areas of research and development and another fours years to propagate the precious trees. Eight years later, their hard work came to fruition with fresh Himalayan mulberries to harvest.

Nut Butter Fresh Mulberry Waffle
1 store-bought frozen waffle
1 tsp nut butter
1 fresh mulberry

Directions: Heat/warm the waffle according to package instructions. Slather nut butter on warm waffle , then gently apply pressure on mulberry with a spoon/knife and spread the mashed berry like jam /fruit preserve across the waffle.