Shishito Peppers Chicken Protein Bowl

This thin-skinned, wrinkled-looking, mild- spicy East Asian pepper variety - Shishito Peppers is one of the easiest chili peppers to prep and cook. 

When roasted, the natural "smoked" flavor of these blistered peppers make protein bowls extra delicious.

Shishito Pepper (Twist Chili) Chicken Veggies Bowl
Chicken drumsticks & thigh (or any cut you prefer) or rotisserie chicken (store bought/homemade)
8-10 Shishito peppers/twist chili, rinsed
About 3-4 servings of mixed vegetables of your choice e.g. cauliflower, leafy beans, red cabbage
2-3 cloves garlic, minced

Preheat oven 400F. Roast peppers ~10mins till blistered (as shown). While roasting the peppers, steam vegetables with garlic for about 5-8mins. When done, layer the base of the salad bowl with colorful steamed vegetables and topped with chicken and blistered peppers.