Green Beans, Woodear, Ginger Stir-Fry

While green beans were aplenty during the last two months of July and August, I made Green Bean Egg Fritters and this simple and nutritious green bean stir-fry.

Look at how diverse the nutrients in green beans? It even has tryptophan - one of the 10 essential amino acids that the body uses to synthesize proteins; plus tryptophan helps you snooze better.

This stir-fry is also jazzed up with woodear mushrooms (黑木耳) that is high in iron. For vegetarians, this dish is high on the nutrition and definitely low on the calories.

Green Beans with Woodear Mushrooms, Ginger and Green Onions Stir-Fry
Ingredients: Green beans, sliced at bias into thin silvers (Note: Larger cut surface area is exposed, so the flavors are able to combine better); woodear mushrooms that has been soaked in water for about 5 minutes, then thinly sliced; small knob of ginger, thinly sliced; 1 green onion, thinly sliced (Note1: slice the ginger and green onions to thin lengths, matching the lengths of green beans); salt and white pepper to taste.

Directions: Heat some oil in a pan and when oil is slightly heated, add the green onions and ginger and fry briskly till fragrant. Add the green beans, mix well with green onions and ginger. Fry at medium heat till green beans turn slightly tender, adding 1-2 tbsp of water if mixture is too dry (Note2: It will take a while, about 8-10 minutes for green beans to turn tender under slight simmer, pan covered). When green beans are slightly tender, add in woodear and mix well with entire mixture. Cook till green beans and woodear mushrooms are cooked and completely tender. Salt and white pepper to taste. Serve with steamed rice or plain congee (porridge).

This goes to My Legume Love Affair hosted by creator the same, Susan The Well-Seasoned Cook.

If you have some handful of green beans now, how would you cook them?

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