Kitchenware and accessories at real bargains - why I miss shopping in the United States

Why I miss shopping in the United States ? Because when there is a sale, it is FOR REAL! Also for the fact that online shopping is definitely more popular and established over there. There is even shopping sites with discount coupons that allow you to save when shopping online. Hiking and outdoor related products and goods - there is a better range of such gear and apparel in the United States compared to Asia, if you ask me. Talking about bargains, what can be better than those camping, hiking and hunting gear and apparel bargains for, Sierra Trading Post, LL Bean and Eddie Bauer Outlet. Travel gear aside. You know, before I moved out from California, I bought a few stainless-steel pots and kitchenware (at 70% off!) and brought them with me, here. I know I can get superior quality stainless-steel pots and pans back in Asia, but for that price?? No thanks. I know I can get the same product at Macys, heavily discounted especially when it comes to Thanksgiving or Christmas sale. Another item that I definitely want to boast about is the Slingbox player - one of our "proudest" online purchase item last year. If we only had it installed back in the United States (we did not), I would probably be enjoying FoodNetwork right now, just like you. For little snaps of moments now, I wish I was back in California. I just need to get that airticket!