Rice Cooker Steamed Ribs with Garlic-Chinese Black Bean Sauce

Working on a cookbook is no easy feat, especially when you basically do everything from the proposal, to the cooking/experimenting; to writing/typing all the contents and to the final close of proofing the final manuscript/s. I worked on the proposal beginning of last year and before I knew it, the first deadline for manuscript was up. :O

Of course, a lot of the recipes can be done over the stove-top or partial stove-top then finished-off in the rice cooker. However, that was not the intention of this book. To make it a solely rice cooker cookbook cookbook, the publisher suggested it was best to keep most of the recipes to the rice cooker. Makes sense. So while working on the proposal, I had to remind myself: to keep the cooking in the rice cooker as much as possible. I need to prove the concept works.

Let's take, for example, the classic Fermented Chinese Black Bean Pork Ribs (豆豉排骨).  One way to cook this dish is to saute the aromatics (garlic, ginger, red chili, green onions) with the fermented black beans in a pan over the stove-top, then set the fragrant aromatics to steam with the pork ribs over a steamer. Another way is to braise/simmer the pork ribs to cook with the aromatics, after pre-frying the aromatics in the same wok or something?

But in my cookbook, this Steamed Ribs with Garlic in Chinese Fermented Black Bean Sauce (Pg. 178) is done entirely in the rice cooker , start to finish, and it can work.

Enjoy with steamed rice, or even plain porridge (congee). In Dim Sum restaurants, sometimes you eat similar on its own. :)

Oh and thank you, Wiffy from Noobcook.com for trying out the Chicken Daikon Soup (adapted from The Everything Rice Cooker Cookbook), using her rice cooker.

And now with Beta Version of Kindle for the Web, you can read the sample chapter of my book :)

Enjoy everything and have a great weekend :)

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