Steamed Duck Breast with Vegetables

Duck does not usually go into my dishes, as it is not easily available in our supermarkets. Even when it's available, it's sold whole; which is too much to handle especially when feeding a small family. If only duck can be sold like how chicken is sold in different cuts e.g. drumsticks, wings, thigh meat, breast meat, so that smaller portions can be used for cooking.

With leftover duck from Mango Duck Salad, this Duck Breast with Steamed Veggies is quick and easy to prepare.

Steamed Duck Breast with Vegetables
Duck breast, leftover from Mango Duck Salad (refer to duck preparation here), option to use chicken or shrimps
2-3 cups cauliflower florets
1-2 cups snow peas/snap peas
2-3 cups shredded kale
1-2 gloves garlic, finely chopped
1tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, for dressing
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Directions. Steam vegetables with garlic and leftover duck for about 5 mins. Drizzle olive oil, pinch of salt and pepper on the veggies and duck. Serve warm


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