Seafood Veggies Hotpot Soup

Some days during winter months are dedicated to hotpot as tis' the season to have soups...soups and more soups to feel warmth and comfort.

This Seafood Veggies Noodle Soup is prepared from a seafood-based hotpot, full of umami goodness and nicely balanced by natural sweetness from Napa cabbage and Nai Bai.

Seafood Veggies Hotpot Ingredients:
(1) Vegetables - Napa Cabbage, Nai Bai, okra
(2) Proteins - Seafood such as Japanese scallops, abalone, shrimps, sliced salmon. Vegetarian options include tofu, tofu skins/fresh yuba sheets, shiitake and beech mushrooms
(3) Carbs - Noodles
(4) Stock base chicken stock or vegetarian stock, based on preference.

This is an updated brief from a much earlier detailed post on hotpot