Easy Oven-Baked Tortilla Chips

Our family usually does not buy huge family-size pack of tortillas (or bread) as we are not regular tortilla users, and neither make burritos nor wraps that often. However, it was on sale at Costco for $3.29/pack (regular price $4.29/pack), why not? That's less than 10 cents per tortilla, and stretches our grocery dollar. A pack of 38 tortillas might sound a lot or too much for small families but unlike perishables, they can be stored in the fridge for about two weeks.

Moreover, with many versatile tortilla recipes ideas, we can make breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks. This 15-minute Flour Tortilla Chips are made from flour tortilla that we often use for burritos and wraps.

Easy Oven-Baked Flour Tortilla Chips
8-inch flour tortilla

Directions: Slice 8-inch tortilla into eighths. Preheat oven 325F. Lay tortilla wedges on baking paper. Bake about 10-12 mins, flipping to other side at halfway mark.