Baked Mackerel Veggies Bowl

Besides salmon and grilled milkfish in seafood protein bowls, our family also enjoys oven-baked mackerel.

With its fishy reputation, some people may find the taste of mackerel too strong, too fish, too oily. But for the same reasons, we enjoy mackerel for its rich, distinct flavors. Its flesh is also moist and flaky.  Oven-Baked Mackerel Veggies Bowl
1 frozen mackerel, thawed before use, pat both sides dry with kitchen paper towels
Pinch of ground turmeric, curry power, black pepper
4-5 cups of vegetables - mix of broccoli, carrots, cabbage, radishes
1-2 cloves garlic, finely minced

Directions: Season/marinade the fish with spices. Preheat oven 375F. Bake the fish for 20-25 mins. Blanch broccoli or steam for 2-3 minutes till tender. Set aside. Steam carrots, cabbages, radishes with garlic for 10-15mins. When done, serve the fish with the veggies.