Sausage Stir-Fry, Sausage Pizza - Sausage Two-Ways

Natural (without preservatives, and without nitrates) sausages make a healthier hot dogs.

Other than hot dogs, how do you use store-bought sausages? Add them to soups, stir-fries, stews etc. In other words, sausages are versatile ingredients! Well, that's not new.

Here are two recent creations - are they new or not new?

Sausage-Onions-Tomatoes-Cheese Pita-Bread Pizza
This is a pita-bread based pizza created using sausages-onions-tomatoes mix (sausages that I have cooked in advance, with onions and tomatoes) and melted cheese as the toppings. Spread the sausages-onions-tomatoes sauce on the pita bread, bake in 350-375F oven for about 10 mins to crisp up the pita-bread, then add the cheese and bake about another 5 mins till the cheese melts.

Instead of Western-inspired, these sausages can be  ood for a Chinese stir-fry too! This Trio of Veggies and Sausages Stir-Fry was done with celery, cabbage, cauliflower and...sausages! The saltiness of sausages enhances the mild-tasting sweet flavors of fresh vegetables.

It is not hard to detect that this stir-fry was created in a spur of the moment, making use of whatever vegetables available in the fridge.

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