Asparagus, Tomatoes, Ginger & Cilantro Salmon 芦笋蒸三文鱼

This is another way to flavor up a steamed salmon dish by using a lot of ginger and cilantro. Of course, steaming the salmon with asparagus and tomatoes adds natural-tasting flavors too!

Which is the star ingredient? They all are!

The ginger and cilantro combination was inspired by Little Corner of Mine blog; however, I have done it without pan-frying the salmon. It may lack the pan-fried smoky flavors but that does not mean the steamed dish is bland in any way. An easy way to adapt the recipe is by using similar ingredients but choosing a different cooking method - steaming, that I most often like to do with fish.

The generous amount of fresh finely minced ginger and cilantro elevates this steamed dish with a warm zingy punch and I really enjoyed it!

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