Steamed Fresh Abalone 蒸鲍鱼

Picking organic strawberries at Swanton Berry Farm every summertime has become a regular activity for us. We may have done the U-Pick organic strawberries many times but it is our first time to THIS farm which is just approximately one mile away from Swanton Berry Farm.

As THIS farm is opened only for direct sales (no tours!), not many photos can be taken and shared with you. I can only share and show this.

Yes. We bought these from the American Abalone Farm which grows California Red Abalone. As I did not want to go through the trouble of shucking and cleaning the abalone at home, I bought the vacuum-packed abalones that were actually cleaned and packaged the day before. Still fresh!

I always like to steam my seafood (shrimps, crabs, fish) especially when they are fresh, and so I did the same to these fresh abalones.

Steamed Abalone with Ginger and Green Onions

American Abalone Farm
245 Davenport Landing Road, Davenport, CA 95017
Open every Saturday from 10 AM to 2 PM for direct sales to the public.


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